We always wanted to read something that would engage us; a paper that is fascinating and clearly articulated. Now, the question is - how do you write the “best” thesis paper? The most crucial part in writing a compelling paper is to come up with a great thesis statement. It is believed that the thesis statement is the spine for your entire paper. It works like glue that unites all the ideas presented on the paper. You have to challenge yourself; think out of the box. The more complex, specific, and interesting, the better your output will be.
Title Strikes
Start your paper with a striking but not confusing title. You have to be precise and avoid “wildcard” words that can cover a range of topics. It should be something that captures attention and produces a vivid impression on the sight or the mind of the readers. In addition, an ideal thesis title should in no more than 7-8 words.
Get Excited About Your Topic
Regardless of the topic that you would want to write, you have to try to get excited. Our brain works double time whenever we feel excitement. I know it’s hard to pretend especially when you’re dealing with a boring topic but eventually you can master it. Just keep trying.
Strong Opinions Matter
Writing a great thesis paper requires your strong opinions about your topic. Like radio broadcasters and newscasters, they spew strong opinions to captivate audiences. But with thesis paper, you have to be very careful in using powerful words as it may become very harsh and will then put you in trouble. If you are unsure on how to formulate strong opinions, make friends with Google and read some sensible journals pertaining to your topic. Write down any interesting opinions that look interesting to you. Understand it and then create your own. Avoid Plagiarism.
Focus On One Main Idea
It is tiring to read an article that is not so organized. And it gives you a headache when the author is providing you different ideas which some of them are not really necessary or do not relate to the main topic. Coherence and Consistency are very important. The paragraphs in your thesis body should be sticking together; supporting the chosen topic. Do not puzzle your readers. Remember – readers are not gamers. They just wanted to read, learn and relax; they do not want to guess. Stay focused in organizing your thoughts so you can produce a worth-to-read paper.
Take Time to Proofread
Don’t be too lazy to examine your text carefully to find and correct typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling. This helps your paper becomes more appealing to the readers. Admit or not, grammar and text errors are two of the reasons why an article becomes trashy. You may also ask a friend or colleague to read your work and then ask his/her opinions. In that situation you have to be open to any comments and suggestions that he or she may come up with.
Concluding Your Paper
The conclusion statement shouldn’t be underestimated. This will be your last chance to defend your study in writing; the other one is your face-to-face defense with the panel of critiques. In this section, you should not retrace everything but instead summarize all your findings and its limitations. Your conclusion should combine all the answers that will satisfy both your thesis problem and your readers.
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