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Saturday, March 18, 2017

How to link your Twitter account to your Facebook business page

Today, I was trying to connect my Twitter account to my Facebook business page because it takes more clicks posting stories into two different platforms versus posting it to Twitter, then it'll be automatically posted on Facebook. Sounds cool, right?

I excitedly logged in to my Twitter account, and connected my Facebook account. Viola! I was able to successfully linked the two platforms together. But wait a minute...why is my Test Twitter post retweeted into my Personal Facebook page instead of retweeting it into my Facebook business page. Hmmm...

The solution?

Here are the steps I followed to resolve the issue:

          1. Sign in to your Twitter account.
          2. Go to Settings and privacy.

          3. Click Apps.

          4. Click "Connect to Facebook".

          5. A pop-up box will open. Click "Continue with [your Facebook name]", and select your                       desired audience, then hit "OK".

          6. Uncheck "post retweets to Facebook" and "post to my Facebook profile", then click "Allow"                posting to one of your pages.

          7. Choose what you allow to be retweeted and hit "OK" to continue.

          8. You will see this page where it will now allow you to select which Facebook page you'd like                Twitter to automatically retweet your post to.

           9. Congrats! You're done. Your tweets will now be automatically posted on your Facebook                       business page.

           10. Feel free to follow my blog site and share this post to your friends! Thanks! :)

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