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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Why Learn English?

If you try to look around, almost everything is in English - signage, billboards, instructions, reading materials, product labels, etc. See? We can’t really ignore English. If you want to be more competitive then you must dare yourself to learn English.

            Obviously, it is the most commonly used language among foreign language speakers. So being able to speak good English will give you more edge than those who only speak their native languages. In addition, English is the language of Science and Technology. And most books and searchable knowledge or information on the internet are written in English. Thus, allowing yourself to easily learn new information and makes you more employable.

It is very important that you are globally competitive. Aside from improving your skills and acquiring new ones, learning English should also be given attention. If you are a little hesitant to converse in English then take time to read English books or watch English movies. By doing so, you’ll get yourself familiarized with English words and the proper way to use them. And for sure, you will become more confident to talk and write In English.


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